My Story

My Story

I barely talked in elementary school. There were a million reasons – I didn’t want to be made fun of, I was afraid of the potential violence of words as I had witnessed their impact and I was already different enough from my peers; I was poor in a school full of wealthy kids, I was a non-Christian in a Catholic school... The list goes on. You might even have your own list of reasons you don’t express yourself.

But one day, I submitted a poem about a goldfish named Tom to a school contest. I won.

And then, I talked. I stood at the podium and unfaltering, even into a microphone, I read my poem aloud to the whole school. It was a revelation! No one laughed. In fact, they clapped! I had been heard. What a rush!

From that day on, I began to talk more. I wrote books with my therapist, Dr. Holstein (yes, I had a therapist as a child) about aliens and many other things. We wrote and wrote and wrote. We had sunflowers and carrot cake on my birthday every year. I called her from home whenever I needed her. I hung upside down on her couch one day and crinkled my nose at this funny word for our time together – sessions.

Years into our sessions, she called my parents to tell them she was dying. She had lung cancer. She of course crossed the patient/therapist boundary and told me she loved me. It seemed appropriate. I remember twirling that curly phone cord (remember those?) around and around, lips trembling, salty tears tumbling down my cheeks. I loved her too.

Later that night, I thought about how many people she had helped to tell their stories, to speak, to write. I was certain that all of those people would be at her funeral. That was the kind of impact I wanted to make in the world. I wanted to help other people tell their stories. It was the most profound thing I had ever experienced.

All of my work in its various forms – in schools, nonprofits, and my own business – has been a tribute to Dr. Nan Holstein. Over the last 20 years, I have guided hundreds of adults and youth to tell their stories, stand tall at the proverbial podium, and be heard.

Are you ready to tell your story?
Are you ready to awaken love and connection in your own life?
Are you ready to be heard?

Click here for your very own crinkled-nose worthy session, a Vola Session.

“Hi June, you came to mind today as I started writing again for the first time in almost eight months. Thanks for being a light. Especially when all I saw was darkness.”

 -Kristal Calloway, Birth Your Book Alumni

Photo credit: Barbara MacFerrin Cardinali

Testimonial with woman wearing a black dress with pearls on the sleeves.

“On a financial thought… YOU are the best money can buy.”

 -Richard Stocker, Birth Your Book Alumni

Testimonial of man with a beard wearing a hat and sunglasses is sitting in the back of a truck.

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